Following a thorough analysis of billions of marketing emails, a recent study found that more than half of all conversions (56%) produced by these emails took place on a tablet.

Desktop has long been considered the favorite of email marketing, but as more consumers than ever flock to mobile devices, it seems only natural to see a shift in these numbers. And, for email marketers, it’s vitally important to keep this in mind when creating email campaigns, which all but require optimization for the mobile screen today.

Researchers have found that it’s the larger size of the tablet screen and the device’s general portability that make them ideal for reading email. Unlike smartphones, which may have a screen too small to effectively display marketing emails, much less the webpages they link to, tablets offer plenty of screen real estate to accommodate these emails.

In terms of the most popular platforms, Apple reigns supreme when it comes to how many marketing emails are opened. 82% of all opened emails on tablets take place on the iPad.

Less than one percent of purchases are made on Android-based tablets, even though Android smartphones account for 41% of smartphone sales.

With the holiday shopping and marketing seasons now upon us, targeting email for the tablet screen is a must for email marketers hoping to have their messages read and acted upon in a hurry.