by Mobile Marketer | Jan 15, 2008 | Digital Marketing Blog, Newsletter Marketing, SEO, SEM, Online Marketing, Video Marketing
Part-2: Video Marketing Letting the world know about your video. There are thousands of video-sharing sites today that will only get larger over time. They are the simplest and the most effective method of promoting your video. It does take time to upload the file to...
by Mobile Marketer | Jan 7, 2008 | Digital Marketing Blog, Newsletter Marketing, SEO, SEM, Online Marketing, Video Marketing
Part-1: Video SEO Optimizing you video for search engines and video portals It seems that Google as well other search engines is giving a priority to videos in their SERPs (search engine results pages) now. It is quite logical because producing a video is much more...
by Mobile Marketer | Dec 21, 2007 | Digital Marketing Blog, Newsletter Marketing, SEO, SEM, Online Marketing
The topic of \”link building\” is set to appear frequently in future blog posts, since it\’s one of the most important factors in SEO. Today, we\’ll start with an outline of some basics. Why links are important? They tell search engines how...
by Mobile Marketer | Dec 4, 2007 | Digital Marketing Blog, Newsletter Marketing, SEO, SEM, Online Marketing
Some copywriters face difficulties because of one important requirement: Making their copywriting SEO-friendly. They want to write the \”natural\” way, without even thinking about search engines and optimizing for the last ones. But the truth is: Natural...
by Eydie Cubarrubia | Nov 29, 2007 | Digital Marketing Blog, Multi-Channel Marketing, SEO, SEM, Online Marketing
Early this month, we spoke of the ways that email and text messaging can be used as channels for online retailers to engage consumers, facilitate their purchases, and re-engage them for future purchases (see How Web-based Retailers Can Use Email and SMS). The...