It’s no secret that mobile device owners see a lot of advertisements. However, just because they see them doesn’t mean they see what these ads are offering.

Earlier this year, polling by Nielsen revealed that 70% of mobile users (on tablets, smartphones, or both) came across ads in the previous month.

But the majority didn’t click.

According to eMarketer, smartphone users are more inclined to click on mobile ads (43% of smartphone users click on ads vs. just 37% of tablet users).

In March 2014, Adobe had Survey Sampling International (SSI) conduct similar research and their findings showed that the platform used to deliver the mobile ad is also a critical component in determining whether a mobile ad received a click.

Even geography is a factor.

North American mobile users are significantly more likely to check out mobile advertisements, regardless of whether the ads were delivered on wearable devices, tablets, smartphones, ereaders, or another connected mobile device.

So what happens to the ads that get ignored? How can marketers get the attention they seek?

All roads lead back to relevance. Time and again, the main reason mobile users were not clicking on mobile advertisements was because the ads were simply of no interest or meaning to them. Once that problem is addressed and resolved, those with mobile messages to peddle should see their ROI climb significantly.