Coupons have been around forever, but their legacy certainly doesn’t mean they’ve lost their usefulness. Integrating them into other forms of marketing can do wonders for any campaign, including email.
Experian recently released data relating to email open-rates for messages that include coupons as opposed to ones that don’t, and found that emails that include coupons return an open-rate of 24-25 percent, opposed to 16-18 percent for email that doesn’t. That’s a significant difference for simply including a coupon.
Higher open-rates subsequently translated into higher click-thru rates as well, though the difference was much smaller. Interestingly enough, coupons that could be redeemed online were most likely to be clicked, at 4 percent, while nearly 80 percent of online coupon mailings saw higher transaction-to-click rates and overall transactions than non-coupon campaigns. Furthermore, 78 percent of that group also earned higher revenues per email.
Besides being in a recession, coupons have proven to be successful across all demographics and in any economic climate. The sheer familiarity with coupons combined with their simple money-saving concept have made them an indispensable tool in any marketers arsenal, and email is no different. Overall, two-thirds of US households use coupons, according to Experian, and the number using online coupons has grown 46% in the past three years.
\”Understanding the purchase drivers and triggers along with the channel preferences of unique customers is an essential element in building loyalty and engagement. Today\’s consumers are multi-channel and marketers that acknowledge this will see greater return on their marketing spend,\” said Matt Seeley, president of Experian Marketing Services\’ Platforms division, in a statement.
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