by Mobile Marketer | Jul 2, 2008 | Digital Marketing Blog, Newsletter Marketing, SEO, SEM, Online Marketing
There are thousands of ways to get your website dropped from Google, and you probably know them very well: Keyword-stuffing, doorways, spamming, selling links, etc. I wrote an earlier article on what not to do in SEO, as well as a sequel, in which I touched on things...
by Mobile Marketer | Jun 24, 2008 | Digital Marketing Blog, Newsletter Marketing, SEO, SEM, Online Marketing
As we all know, links play a vital role in SEO: Links are important for both ranking and traffic. Getting links requires a lot of work; however some people don\’t even know where to start and how to get those desired links. So today I\’ve continued to...
by Mobile Marketer | Jun 18, 2008 | Digital Marketing Blog, General, SEO, SEM, Online Marketing
I\’ve been asked from time to time about how I find certain information on the web – information that others struggle to discover. So I\’ve decided to share some tips on how to be a better searcher and actually find what you are looking for. This...
by mobilestorm | Jun 12, 2008 | Digital Marketing Blog, SEO, SEM, Online Marketing
It started out innocently enough, with me manually looking for new keywords. Then I realized I had found a goldmine that could do more than just give me keywords for my PPC. There is nothing new about researching competitors as part of your marketing plan, but the...
by Mobile Marketer | Jun 11, 2008 | Digital Marketing Blog, General, Newsletter Marketing, SEO, SEM, Online Marketing
SEO is an extensive daily activity that needs a good organization system. Different SEO professionals use different systems, programs, or other methods to make their SEO work more effectively and produce better results for themselves and their clients. However, there...
by Eydie Cubarrubia | Jun 3, 2008 | Digital Marketing Blog, Multi-Channel Marketing, SEO, SEM, Online Marketing
The other day, a friend of mine had problems with one of his MySpace photos being taken down, despite the fact that it was not sexual, graphically violent, or otherwise offensive. Furthermore, he could not get an answer from MySpace as to why the pix was nixed. This...