Say It Ain't So Millennials Admit to Digital Overload, Most Likely to Cut Off BrandsKnow the demographic that’s most connected to their mobile devices? Yep, it’s millennials.

But here’s the thing. New research from Aimia indicates they’re the most ruthless when it comes to cutting brands off.

Aimia, a provider of data-driven marketing and loyalty analytics, released new insights revealing millennials are the generation most likely (44 percent more likely) to permanently disengage with brands if they receive high volumes of mass generic email communications.

“The findings show that nearly three in five (59 percent) High Volume Sensitive consumers indicated that the volume of email communications they receive from brands overwhelms them,” according to researchers at the firm. “The results are similar for SMS messages (60 percent) and push notifications (62 percent).

“Millennials are the ‘always on’ generation, but it is a mistake for marketers to make assumptions about their communications preferences,” advises Martin Hayward, the Senior Vice President of Global Digital Strategy & Futures at Aimia. “Just because a person shares their details with a brand does not mean they want to be inundated with lots of generic messages.”

The solution? Getting the communications right — instead of using a constant, scattershot method that assumes volume equals engagement.

“Marketers must work harder to listen to individual customer preferences and tailor communications appropriately,” Hayward said. “Privacy, permissions, and preferences are increasingly crucial elements of future customer relationships. Get it wrong, and High Volume Sensitive consumers are ruthless in cutting brands off.”

Yes, these High Volume Sensitive consumers have the same willingness as others to share their personal data. But they’re 2.3 times more likely to disengage when bombarded with large numbers of irrelevant messages.