QR Codes Most Popular Among Male Smartphone Users in the U.K.If you’re in the United Kingdom, there is an excellent possibility that the next person you spot using their smartphone to scan a QR code will be a man.

According to the most recent data from comScore, among mobile phone users in Great Britain, 63% scanning QR codes were male.

While some across the mobile community were surprised to learn that only 37% of QR code scanners in the U.K. are women, there is little surprise that the most ardent QR code scanners are younger folks.

25 to 34-year-olds claimed the number one spot among most likely QR code scanners with 18 to 24-year-olds coming in second. Those deemed least likely to scan a QR code are 45 to 54-year-olds.

No matter the age bracket, males were still the most likely to whip out their smartphone and capitalize on the benefits of these increasingly more commonplace digital marketing symbols.

Auspiciously for mobile marketers who dig this tactic, QR codes are far from an enigma to British consumers.  Most U.K. smartphone owners know what QR codes are. However, RetailMeNot.com found during their latest survey that Brits haven’t exactly been keen to jump on the QR code bandwagon.

Industry watchers and market analysts believe that as QR codes become more pervasive, consumers will warm to their presence and functionality by virtue of their continuous exposure to the benefits they bring to smartphone shoppers.