Newsletter On-Page Tags

This time we’re going to talk about placing on-page tags on your newsletter. This is the next phase after you’ve done the meta-tag work that we went over last time. I’ll cover each type of on-page tag in detail below:

H Tag for Your Newsletter:

The H (or header) tag can be labeled as H1, H2, etc. H1 tag is the best tag for a main header of your newsletter page. You can use H2, H3, and H4 tags for your other titles on the page. The difference between them will be the size. The greater the number after H, the smaller the letters and the fewer separation from other parts of the text. H tags help separate paragraph titles from the other parts of the text. It’s a very simple and yet handy tool to increase your ranking for a certain keyword.

This what it looks like:

Title of the Paragraph

And the code looks like this:

<H1>Title of the Paragraph</H1>

With this tag, you show search engines exactly the purpose and focus of your newsletter. You also let your visitors quickly understand what you are talking about on this page because it’s all with the H1 tag.

STRONG Tag for Your Newsletter:

This one is very simple too. Just put your phrases with keywords into the STRONG tags. This will show both robots and visitors what is important in your newsletter’s text.

This is what the code looks like:

<STRONG>a text with the keyword in a STRONG tag</STRONG>

Note: don’t overuse this tag! Many people don’t really like reading copy with too many bold, italic, underline or otherwise outlined text segments. Use it only couple of times to make sure both bots and real people catch the most valuable key-phrases in your newsletter’s text.

IMG ALT Tag for Your Newsletter:

This tag is used to tell visually impaired people what an image represents. Don’t forget to use a period at the end of your IMG ALT tags.
This is what the code looks like:

mobileStorm Digital Marketing Company Logo.

And this what the actual image will look like:


mobileStorm Digital Marketing Company Logo

Have a keyword there but try to make it as if you were just describing the picture. It shouldn’t look like it was made just for SEO purposes or you might get penalized for making it too obvious.

Link Anchor Text Tag:

This tag is the actual text of the link. Example: Newsletter Marketing

This is what the code looks like:

<a target=_blank href=> Newsletter Marketing</a>

Link to other pages on your newsletter site. Use the link anchor text tag with your newsletter’s main keywords in it. Do the same thing if you link to some external resource(s). By doing this, you show both spiders (bots) and your newsletter readers where the link leads to and what they’ll find there.


While there are other tags that you can use on your page the ones listed above are the most influential ones in terms of your newsletter SEO. Use them to increase your newsletter’s rankings and watch your readership grow!

Until next time…

Shavkat Karimov
Director, Online Marketing
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