Mobile, Email And Social Combine To Create Marketing TrifectaWhile many marketers focus on one channel or another, it’s becoming  increasingly  clear that a multi-channel approach is superior in today’s digital marketing landscape.

Such is the message of a new survey published by eROI which looked at the effect mobile marketing and social media is having on email and Online marketing programs.  More than 500 marketers were surveyed in hopes of providing a better understanding of how brands were using email, mobile and social effectively, but also to pinpoint new ideas for better planning and intergration of the available opportunities each provides.

In looking at the data, it’s clear that while each channel is powerful in its own right, combining all three creates a powerful multi-level marketing initiative for any brand to leverage.  To get a better understanding, Flowtown has taken the data produced from eROI’s survey and compiled an infographic to tie it all together:

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Mobile, Email And Social Media Combine To Create Marketing Trifecta