It is right to say that Google actually owns the Internet. These guys with a fresh vision came out of nowhere, and with the right idea, exactly 10 years ago this week. No one could ever imagine what that startup would become in just a decade. Billions of dollars in income isn’t the most terrifying thing about Google: It’s the power it has over everyone on the web.
The Internet will always be what it is: The world, the web, the network. It will always need some way to be organized; there always will be a need to find stuff in this huge pile of data. And “search” is the only choice. Google has taken search to the next level, and it still is just the beginning.
The Internet will have more access points than today-and the majority of them will move to mobile devices. This is where mobile companies will step into the search game. They will also become significant web browser figures. The Internet will then be a different place, and the current browser leaders like Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Mozilla’s Firefox, Apple’s Safari, Google’s new Chrome, and Opera will have to arrange deals with mobile device manufacturers like Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Apple, Motorola, and Samsung.
Google will not be able to buy the mobile device manufacturers, but it will be able to arrange deals with them and become their search provider. However, this could be a chance for both Microsoft and Yahoo! to beat Google. Microsoft might have better chance with its Windows Mobile, but Yahoo! has a better search algorithm and way more services than anyone else to offer the mobile phone makers. Google is ready for the battle, though, with its next-level search algorithm and projects like Google Android, an open mobile operating system.
I am sure mobile companies will create their own operating systems, web browsers, and search functions. I take it back-they already are. But they will eventually understand the power of the current leaders and rather than trying to beat the web giants, they will most likely join them.
If Google continues its aggressive expansion strategy, it will grow so big that it won’t be able to manage everything under one roof-and will start losing battles in many fields. That’s exactly what happened to Microsoft when it attempted to be everywhere at the same time. This might eventually become a dangerous trap for Google. Smaller competitors will start beating it in their niches: For example, Google’s Orkut, the social network, couldn’t make it against MySpace, Facebook, or LinkedIn. At the same time federal authorities will push Google from the other frontier with monopoly restrictions.
Unless someone creates a significantly better algorithm and manages to let the world know about, Google will always be the strongest in search. Nothing can beat Microsoft’s Windows OS yet, and I think same thing will happen for Google. Even if a new strong player appears, I am sure Google will simply buy it out as it has already been doing. The current rivals will always be there, merged or separately, to maintain “competition.”
The new mobile age proffers lots of new challenges for the search giant and it will be interesting to watch how Google will handle it. One thing is for sure: We, the web users and the consumers, will hopefully benefit from the competitive environment by enjoying innovative services, more cool features, better search results, and convenience in the total mobile web experience.
Shavkat Karimov
Internet Marketing Manager
mobileStorm, Inc.
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Some great points today, Shavkat.
When you talked about device makers eventually conceding to the major platform developers, I was reminded about Palm switching its gadgets from the Palm OS to MS Mobile.
Maybe Google will have the same opportunity that MSFT did, with Android. If Google wants to improve on the coup, it should strike similar deals with more than one manufacturer–and get them to make Chrome the default browser on all phones, to boot.
True, Eydie. It's going to be quite a challenging task for Google. Apple wouldn't let Chrome, Firefox, or IE in – they are using their own Safari in iPhone, which is probably the most popular phone in the world now.